Glutathione IV Therapy in San Diego​

Glutathione (GSH) is a powerhouse antioxidant, even more potent than vitamin C. It consists of three amino acids—glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid — and offers a range of health benefits such as liver detoxification, improved immune system function, and powerful antioxidant defense.

The Master Antioxidant

Glutathione is most rapidly and effectively delivered intravenously, compared to taking it in oral supplement form which is known to have poor absorption. Although liposomal glutathione can be absorbed orally, the IV version of this powerful antioxidant has been found to be the most effective way to boost glutathione levels.

Woman smiling and sitting while receiving IV therapy

Contributors to low glutathione levels:

  • Environmental toxins i.e. mold, exhaust fumes, air pollution, parabens, phthalates
  • Heavy metal exposure i.e. arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium
  • Physical stressors i.e. overtraining
  • Psychological or emotional stress i.e. stressful home life, stressful work environment
  • Processed food consumption
  • Consumption of non-organic foods i.e. herbicides and pesticides
  • Substance abuse
  • High amounts of alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Autoimmune diseases i.e. hashimoto’s, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus
  • Certain medications
  • Toxic household cleaning products
  • Toxic beauty products
A smiling man is seen sitting and smiling while receiving intravenous (IV) therapy, treated by a healthcare professional

Who can benefit?

  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Immune support
  • Liver detoxification support
  • Neuro-degenerative processes i.e.
  • Parkinson’s
  • Fatigue
  • Exposure to environmental toxins
  • Anti-aging
  • Recovery optimization
  • Overall wellness

Why is the glutathione IV infusion effective:

The fastest way to restore glutathione is through a glutathione IV infusion. Sadly, environmental toxins, processed foods, and chronic stress quickly deplete our glutathione reserves, resulting in elevated oxidative stress levels and accelerated aging.
Woman with an IV drip attached to her forearm, to provide fluids, medicines, or nutrition directly into the bloodstream


The experience of IV therapy should be relatively painless. A small pinch may occur as the needle penetrates the skin, but, if done correctly, no other pain should be felt during the rest of the procedure.
Glutathione can be administered either as a push after an IV nutrient infusion or in a bag of fluid given intravenously as a drip. A glutathione push takes no more than 5 minutes following an IV nutrient infusion, while a glutathione bag given as a drip requires approximately 30 minutes to complete.

How many glutathione IV infusions are needed?

The amount and frequency of glutathione IV infusions necessary depends on the desired outcome.
Your naturopathic doctor will assess your needs and recommend a dosing regimen to achieve the therapeutic benefits and help you reach your goals.

Symptoms of low glutathione levels:

  • Weakened immune system i.e. frequent infections or colds
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances or insomnia
  • Muscle/joint pain
  • Impaired liver detoxification
Top down view of smiling man laying down receiving IV drip therapy

How to Boost Glutathione Levels Naturally?

Stress reduction – practices like diaphragmatic breathing, yoga, meditation, and journaling can be incredibly effective for reducing stress levels in the body. Chronic stress has a range of negative effects, including hormone imbalance, leaky gut, blood sugar imbalances and a rapid reduction of glutathione reserves.

Organic food – organic foods are free of potentially harmful pesticides and herbicides that can deplete the body’s glutathione levels. They also contain higher amounts of vitamins and nutrients that can help sustain healthy glutathione levels.

Optimize sleep – it’s no secret that sleep deprivation can have a wide range of repercussions. Getting the right amount of rest is crucial for our bodies and minds to repair and work at their best. Prolonged lack of sleep increases inflammation levels and causes blood sugar imbalances, which may eventually lead to a drop in glutathione.

Consume sulfur rich foods – sulfur-rich foods, like onions, garlic, and cruciferous vegetables, is an effective way to support glutathione production. These foods are rich in methionine and cysteine – two amino acids that play a key role in the formation of this powerful antioxidant.

Grass-fed whey protein – grass-fed whey protein is an excellent choice for those who aren’t sensitive to dairy. Studies have shown that consuming whey protein supplements can increase levels of glutathione in the body.

Consume selenium rich foods – studies have demonstrated that consuming selenium can help to raise levels of glutathione in the body.¹⁰ Nuts like brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, or fish are great sources of selenium.

Woman laying and smiling relaxing with an IV drip attached holding glass of water taking time to rest and relax

Is there research supporting the effectiveness of glutathione?

Research has demonstrated that administering glutathione intravenously twice a week for 60 days can lead to a reduction in symptoms and even potentially slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease in patients.

A study of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) revealed that giving 300 mg of glutathione daily for four months resulted in significant reductions in elevated ALT (an enzyme associated with liver damage), triglycerides, and ferritin.

According to a case report by Otto ND and colleagues, intravenous glutathione therapy resulted in both subjective and objective symptom improvement for a patient with Parkinson’s disease who was being conventionally treated.

A double-blind, randomized trial of 151 patients with ovarian cancer found that intravenous glutathione therapy reduced the toxicity of cisplatin and improved quality of life.

Book your drip today

Vitamin drip infusions are powerful because they have the ability to reach and heal so many parts of us — the body, mind and soul. IV drips help us absorb what we need completely – allowing us to recover, improve, and maintain balance from within ourselves.