Vitamin C IV Therapy in San Diego​

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that serves as a powerful antioxidant in the body. It helps neutralize free radicals, boosts immunity, supports neurotransmitter production, and combats inflammation. Additionally, it is a key factor in the formation of collagen, which plays an important role in the health of our skin and connective tissue.

Vitamin C: Natural Immunity

Fruits and vegetables are still a source of Vitamin C, yet the quality of our soil has decreased, making them less nutrient-dense than they once were. Furthermore, stress, certain medications, and an unhealthy diet can all cause your Vitamin C levels to dip below the optimal range.
Woman smiling and sitting while receiving IV therapy

Why is Vitamin C IV infusion effective?

Administering Vitamin C via IV provides the fastest and most effective way to increase levels of this vital nutrient.

Oral supplementation with Vitamin C can result in high levels of gastrointestinal distress, as well as diarrhea.

However, IV administration circumvents this problem by bypassing the digestive system altogether.

Not only is absorption 100%, but it also allows for much higher dosing amounts than possible with oral administration, eliminating any unwanted side effects.

Additionally, when combined with other compounds such as Lysine and Zinc, IV Vitamin C can help strengthen and improve immunity.

A smiling man is seen sitting and smiling while receiving intravenous (IV) therapy, treated by a healthcare professional

Who can benefit from vitamin C IV infusion?

  • Feeling run down or a weakened immune system
  • Anti-aging
  • Overall wellness
  • Preventatively before flu season
  • Enhancing collagen production
  • After surgery recovery
  • Post-PRP therapy
  • Exposure to environmental toxins
  • Neuro-degenerative diseases
  • Fatigue
  • Chronic infections i.e. lyme, EBV, HSV

What can lead to reduced immunity?

An array of dietary and lifestyle factors can lead to reduced immunity, which in turn can lead to a greater need for Vitamin C.
Woman with an IV drip attached to her forearm, to provide fluids, medicines, or nutrition directly into the bloodstream


Vitamin C IV infusions usually take between 1-2 hours
Your naturopathic doctor will assess your individual needs and design a personalized plan of vitamin C IV infusions that can help you achieve your desired outcomes. Depending on the treatment goal, the number and frequency of infusion sessions needed may vary.
The insertion of an IV needle may cause a mild pinch, but otherwise IV therapy should not be a painful procedure. With proper administration, the rest of the infusion session should be completely painless.

Factors that suppress immune function

  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Vitamin A deficiency
  • Chronic stress
  • High intake of alcohol
  • Poor nutrition
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Cancer
  • HIV
  • Certain medications i.e. chemotherapy drugs or steroids
Top down view of smiling man laying down receiving IV drip therapy

How to Boost Immune Function Naturally?

Optimize Sleep – not getting enough sleep can have serious consequences for our overall health. Quality sleep is essential for the brain and body to perform optimally and to heal, as chronic sleep deprivation increases inflammation which depletes Vitamin C levels and weakens the immune system. Therefore, it’s crucial to prioritize sleep and make sure we get enough of it every night.

Optimize The Diet – eating right plays a major role in keeping our immune system healthy. Avoiding processed foods, refined carbs and sugars, and vegetable oils can make a big difference when it comes to our health and well-being. Incorporating organic vegetables, low glycemic fruits, lean meats and fish, as well as healthy fats into our diet provides our body with the right nutrients necessary for an optimal immune system.

Gut Function – around 90% of the immune system is located within the digestive tract. If the gut isn’t functioning properly, neither is the immune system. That’s why it’s so important to maintain healthy gut flora and keep our digestive system in top shape. (For more about gut health click here)

Stress Reduction – taking up practices like yoga, meditation, chi gong, or breathing exercises can help reduce high levels of stress. Prolonged periods of stress trigger inflammation in the body, leading to hormonal imbalances, alteration in blood sugar levels, intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and weakened immunity.

Exercise – high or prolonged levels of exercise can lead to an increase in cortisol, suppressing the immune system. But moderate exercising boosts endorphins, promotes well-being, and strengthens the immune system. Taking a break from the gym from time to time to go outdoors and exercise can reduce stress and improve your Vitamin D levels.

Omega-3 Fish Oil – can enhance the function of T-regulatory cells, which are essential for a healthy immune system. Additionally, research suggests it can substantially improve inflammation levels in the body and associated markers i.e. TNF alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, triglycerides and improved insulin resistance (HOMA-IR).

Optimize Vitamin D – vitamin D is necessary for proper immune function, yet most people fall short of optimal levels. Vitamin D has the capacity to influence both innate and adaptive responses of immunity, and an inadequate amount can lead to autoimmunity and a greater susceptibility to infection.

Increase Glutathione – glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that aids in both immune system and liver detoxification processes. Working together, glutathione, vitamin E, and vitamin C can combat free radicals and neutralize oxidative damage.

Woman laying and smiling relaxing with an IV drip attached holding glass of water taking time to rest and relax

Book your drip today

Vitamin drip infusions are powerful because they have the ability to reach and heal so many parts of us — the body, mind and soul. IV drips help us absorb what we need completely – allowing us to recover, improve, and maintain balance from within ourselves.