Weight Loss IV Therapy in San Diego

This weight loss IV formula is formulated with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can help keep your blood sugar level while supplying the body with lipotropic agents which can raise metabolism and burn away fat.

Kickstart The Metabolism For Weight Loss

The weight loss IV infusion blends together vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to support healthy weight loss. This nutrient mix helps to increase metabolism and stabilize blood sugar levels. For successful weight loss, the number of IV infusions and their frequency must be tailored to the individual’s specific goals.

Woman smiling and sitting while receiving IV therapy

Why is the IV therapy for weight loss effective?

With IV therapy, high doses of nutrients can be delivered directly to the bloodstream – something that oral vitamins cannot achieve as they are not completely absorbed.

Thus, IV therapy offers superior nutrient delivery over oral vitamins.

Who can benefit from weight loss IV drips?

  • Desire losing weight
  • Improve blood sugar reduction
  • Improve metabolism
  • Improve energy levels

How many weight loss IV therapy infusions are needed?

 Your naturopathic doctor will guide you through the process to make sure you are receiving the right doses and frequency for successful results.

Woman with an IV drip attached to her forearm, to provide fluids, medicines, or nutrition directly into the bloodstream


Weight loss IV infusions usually take about 1 hour.
IV therapy should be a relatively pain-free experience. The only discomfort may be a minor pinch when the needle is inserted, but otherwise the session should be comfortable if done correctly.
Top down view of smiling man laying down receiving IV drip therapy

The naturopathic approach to support weight loss through IV therapy:

  1. Food volume
    To achieve weight loss, your body needs to burn more calories than it takes in from your diet. In other words, you need to have a higher energy output than input for successful results.
  2. Blood sugar balance
    It is important to be aware of how to monitor and control your blood sugar levels, as well as steer away from foods that will cause it to spike, in order to reach your desired weight loss goals. Not all carbohydrates are created equal; highly processed carbohydrates such as white bread, sweets, cereals, white rice, and fruit juices or sodas cause a rise in blood sugar which produces insulin, a hormone responsible for transporting sugar into the cells. Insulin is essentially a fat-promoting fertilizer.
  3. Gut microbiome
    The gut microbiome is a highly diverse system of bacteria that is located within the gastrointestinal tract, and has an integral role in many of the body’s biological processes such as regulating blood sugar levels, detoxifying harmful substances, and maintaining hormone balance – all of which can be factors in weight management.
  4. Sleep
    Studies have shown that inadequate or poor quality sleep can lead to an increase in cortisol – which has been linked to excessive weight gain, particularly around the midsection. Not only that, but disrupted sleep may cause imbalances in both hunger signals and blood sugar levels, consequently promoting overeating.
  5. Inflammation
    Chronic inflammation in the body leads to the release of inflammatory cytokines, blocking insulin receptors and reducing insulin sensitivity. This makes it increasingly difficult for your body to convert calories into energy, resulting in fat accumulation. Visceral adipose tissue or belly fat is particularly active metabolically and adds to the cycle of inflammation and weight gain. Thus, fat itself creates a vicious circle, causing further inflammation which leads to more weight gain.
  6. Toxins
    Evidence suggests that obesity is linked to toxicity, with toxins inhibiting, mimicking or blocking hormones. Additionally, the body holds onto fat to protect you from these toxins, making it paramount to eliminate them for successful and sustained weight loss.
Woman laying and smiling relaxing with an IV drip attached holding glass of water taking time to rest and relax

What is in the weight loss IV treatment?

MIC B12:
This type of B12 paired with three essential lipotropic nutrients, methionine, inositol, and choline work together to promote weight loss. Methionine plays a role in the production of glutathione, while inositol helps remove fat from the body and choline is involved in lipid transport. This combination has potential to boost metabolism when used alongside an appropriate nutrition and lifestyle plan – potentially leading to impressive results.
An amino acid that can aid with weight loss and cognitive support, is essential for the mitochondria of the cells – playing a role in energy production and metabolism. Additionally, Carnitine has been shown to improve exercise recovery, oxygen supply to the muscles, resulting in improved performance and greater weight loss potential. To top it off, this vital nutrient has been demonstrated to lower blood sugar levels.
An essential mineral that helps to promote efficient metabolism of fats, carbs and other nutrients. It also plays a vital role in maintaining steady blood glucose levels, helping to promote healthy weight management.
An essential nutrient that helps to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Studies suggest that when taken in conjunction with chromium, it can help to reduce Hba1c, which is a reflection of a person’s average blood sugar levels over three months.
An essential mineral that participates in more than 300 chemical reactions in the body, enabling the body to function optimally. It is also involved in controlling insulin action and glucose uptake into cells, where it is used for energy. A lack of magnesium can contribute to insulin resistance and weight gain.
Vitamin C:
An antioxidant with importance for the adrenal glands, which are involved in the body’s stress response.

Book your IV for weight loss today

Vitamin drip infusions are powerful because they have the ability to reach and heal so many parts of us — the body, mind and soul. IV drips help us absorb what we need completely – allowing us to recover, improve, and maintain balance from within ourselves.