Naturopathic Approach To The Optimal You

By taking proactive steps to optimize your health, you can reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, or Alzheimer’s. By catching symptoms early, you may be able to stop the progression of a disease before it becomes more serious. Taking this preventative approach can lead to long-term benefits and better quality of life.
A group of people are seen stretching their legs in a sunny park, illustrating the importance of physical activity and the joy of spending time outdoors in nature
Feel your best, age gracefully, and prevent disease by taking a proactive and preventive approach. Health optimization is becoming increasingly popular for good reason – it is much easier and simpler to prevent a health issue than it is to recover from one. As Ben Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and by catching symptoms early, you can reduce the risk of more serious underlying issues.
A tired man is seen hunched over in a park, weakened and breathless after exercising

Who Is A Candidate?

  • You may not have any major health issues, but you want to feel better than you currently do
  • You have a family history of heart disease, diabetes, or Alzheimer’s and you want to decrease your risk of receiving those diagnoses
  • Your energy levels aren’t what they used to be
  • Your motivation is declining
  • You’d benefit from accountability to keep you on track with your health goals
  • You understand the importance of routine blood work to keep your body in optimal health
  • You want to age gracefully and slowly
  • You want to have optimal hormone levels as you age
  • You have recurrent injuries that take longer to heal than previously
  • You need more recovery time in between workouts than previously

Our Approach:

Comparing our patients to trees, we can learn valuable insights into treating their health.

A woman is seen performing fitness training in her living room with a phone, at her home gym, illustrating how easy it is to exercise at home

When the tree has bad fruit, while the Western medical system might opt to cut off the branch.

Naturopathic medicine takes a deeper approach and investigates why the fruit is bad – is there a lack of nutrients or water in the soil? Are there toxins that could be hurting it?

We follow a similar philosophy for our patients and look for root causes of optimal health, including nutrient and vitamin status, toxin levels, inflammation, GI system health and hormone balance.

Rather than jumping right to medication as a band-aid solution, we take a holistic view on wellness.

We recognize that health involves many facets — and use data from tests such as advanced cholesterol testing, comprehensive stool analysis, organic acid testing, food sensitivity tests and full hormone analysis to get a better picture of each individual patient.

This way we can tailor treatments that eliminate guesswork.

Lab work – functional vs standard ranges:

Routine blood work is a powerful tool for optimizing your health.

Although you may have had it done before, it’s typically viewed through the lens of pathology rather than optimization, and lab companies use wide “normal” ranges based on an often-unhealthy general population.

To properly track progress and guide health goals, a more comprehensive panel is needed – one that looks at results under the lens of “optimal” instead of simply “normal”.

A mature woman with glasses wearing a hat is seen laying on the beach at sunset, happily smiling

Graceful aging

Aging doesn’t have to be a painful and diseased-ridden process.

Optimal functionality and cognition into your 80s, 90s and beyond should be within reach for many people – but it comes with an investment.

Healthy habits like regular exercise, quality sleep, stress reduction, connection and nutritious food are all needed in order to give yourself the best chance of living a long, healthy life.

It’s easy to go off track, but illness is rarely an overnight event – instead it’s often a slow ‘death by a thousand cuts’ type process.

To ensure you’re staying on track and living the healthiest life possible, regular accountability and blood test analysis is key.

IV Therapy

Regular IV therapy is an effective way to ensure optimal vitamin and mineral levels – something essential for good health. Many people have impaired gut function, leaving them unable to absorb the nutrients from food and supplements taken orally.

Woman with an IV drip attached to her forearm, to provide fluids, medicines, or nutrition directly into the bloodstream
With an absorption rate of 100%, IVs supply your body with the maximum amount of nutrition.

Additionally, taking high doses of certain vitamins and minerals orally can cause gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea – with IVs, this risk is eliminated as it bypasses the GI system altogether and higher doses of nutrients can be administered safely.

IV Therapy is a service we provide that can help you increase your body’s nutritional levels.

NAD+ IV Therapy

NAD+ is a crucial component to the energy production of our cells’ mitochondria.

As time passes, NAD+ levels decline and can lead to issues such as decreased energy, slower recovery and impaired cognition.

Eating healthily and exercising regularly can help slow this decline, but a boost in NAD+ through IV therapy can make a huge difference.

A smiling man is seen sitting and smiling while receiving intravenous (IV) therapy, treated by a healthcare professional