IV Therapy San Diego

IV therapy is a method where we infuse nutrients including vitamins and minerals into the body intravenously. The main advantage of IVs is that they are absorbed at 100% efficiency as it bypasses the digestive system and goes right into the veins. This also allows for higher dosages to be used safely compared to oral supplementation. Renew, rejuvenate and hydrate.

IV Therapies Available At Our San Diego Clinic

IV therapy is superior to oral vitamin supplemental because unlike oral vitamins, which don’t get entirely absorbed as they go through the digestive system and get excreted in urine, the nutrients that are administered intravenously get effectively absorbed and used by the body. IV therapy allows for a higher dosage of nutrients to be used than can be taken orally.


NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a vitamin-like molecule found in all living cells. This essential factor acts as a catalyst, allowing the mitochondria to produce energy from food, which is then utilized by the cell.

IV bag of NAD+ IV Treatment
The Myers Cocktail is an intravenous infusion that includes important vitamins and minerals in a hydration solution to help strengthen the immune system, restore nutrients, and revitalize the body.
This weight loss IV formula is formulated with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can help keep your blood sugar level while supplying the body with lipotropic agents which can raise metabolism and burn away fat.

A Hydration IV infusion offers a convenient way to rapidly hydrate your body and cells, delivering essential minerals and vitamins, nutrients, electrolytes, and even serve as a hangover remedy in a hydrating fluid.

Feeling Sick

Glutathione (GSH) is a powerhouse antioxidant, even more potent than vitamin C. It consists of three amino acids—glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid — and offers a range of health benefits.


Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that serves as a powerful antioxidant in the body. It helps neutralize free radicals, boosts immunity, supports neurotransmitter production, and combats inflammation.


Iron IV infusions are a solution when traditional iron supplements and dietary changes are either not effective or slow to increase blood count levels. IV therapy guarantees the iron goes straight into the bloodstream.

What is IV therapy?

Intravenous therapy is a method where we infuse nutrients including vitamins and minerals into the body intravenously.

The main advantage of IVs is that they are absorbed at 100% efficiency as it bypasses the digestive system and goes right into the veins.

This also allows for higher dosages to be used safely compared to oral supplementation.

Book Your IV Therapy Drip in San Diego Today - 858-201-3171

Doctor administering IV therapy to woman sitting in chair

Why choose your IV therapy session at Oasis Health and Medicine:

Nutrient deficiencies are a known contributor to chronic disease. The nutrient poor food system combined with digestive conditions including leaky gut, celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease can contribute to micronutrient deficiencies.

The IV nutrient therapy services available at Oasis Health and Medicine located in San Diego, California is able to effectively replenish your body with vitamins and minerals it needs by going directly into your bloodstream, ensuring optimal absorption.

Which IV formula is right for me?

You can select from our preset formula or can get a formula customized for you based on nutrient testing or your doctor’s recommendation.

At Oasis Health and Medicine, we believe in personalized medicine, and we do this by testing for nutrient deficiencies and genetics to provide more precise medicine.

How to start?

If you are interested in trying one of our IVs at our San Diego clinic contact our specialists at Oasis Health and Medicine today.

Who is IV therapy for?

IV therapy is for anyone with underlying nutrient deficiency, digestive dysfunction, immune deficiencies, or those that want to optimize their health and overall wellbeing.

The preset formulas available at Oasis Health and Medicine include:

Energy: For those that feel run down, overloaded with stress and short on sleep. The combination of B vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in this formula help improve energy production.

Immune Support: Great if you are feeing under the weather and looking to give their immune system the support it needs. This formula contains vitamin C and zinc which support the immune system as well as lysine which is an anti-viral.

Healthy Weight: The formula contains chromium, B vitamins and lipotropic factors that boost metabolism, balance blood sugar and help the body burn body fat more efficiently.

A male patient looking at mobile cell phone, undergoing IV therapy, while a doctor checks the patient's status

NAD+ Brain Support: This formula supports mood, cognition, and neurological health. NAD+ is also effective at supporting addiction recovery.

Hair, Skin & Nails: The combination of vitamin C, lysine, and amino acids help support collagen production resulting in brighter and more youthful skin, stronger nails, and more vibrant hair.

Tissue Healing and Repair: This formula is for those recovering from surgery or sports injuries. The combination of vitamin C and amino acids including carnitine, help the body prepare for surgery and can optimize healing after an injury or surgery.

Performance Optimization: Formula which helps to optimize sports performance. The combination of magnesium, branched chain amino acids, and key mitochondrial cofactors like carnitine and B vitamins ensure optimal energy and performance.

Detoxification: A formula that supports the body in detoxing harmful chemicals while supporting liver detoxification by providing a key blend of B vitamins, amino acids, and glutathione.

Relax & Restore: Formula that calms the mind and relaxes the nervous system which a blend of magnesium, amino acids, and calming B vitamins.

Hangover: A formula which repletes key minerals depleted from drinking alcohol like magnesium and B vitamins and give your liver a boost in detoxification with glutathione.

Post-Covid: This formula is designed to provide aggressive anti-inflammatory support to overcome long hauler’s symptoms including fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, and body aches.

Top down view of smiling man laying down receiving IV drip therapy

IVs can also be personalized based on tests that measure nutrient levels. This allows our healthcare practitioners located in San Diego to mix an IV bag with precisely what your body needs to match your deficiencies by letting data guide our clinical decision making.

We also have our personalized formulas which are based on micronutrient testing which allows us to mix your infusion formula to match your individual challenges and deficiencies. Taking a micronutrient test before getting IV therapy provides clear information on where you may be deficient.

Woman with an IV drip attached to her forearm, to provide fluids, medicines, or nutrition directly into the bloodstream


IV therapy generally does not lead to side effects. Rare risks can include bruising, infection, vitamin overdoses, and vein inflammation. The naturopathic doctors at Oasis are highly trained in IV therapy and do their best to ensure patient comfort.

The length of each IV differs depending on what it is. An average size 500ml IV takes about 1 hour. Full liter bags can take up to 2 hours and NAD+ infusions can take 3 hours.
IV therapy is usually not a painful process. A small pinch may be felt when the needle pierces the skin, but the remainder of the process is usually painless.

Each bag contains a different blend of vitamins, minerals, and or amino acids. These can include Vitamin C, B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Sometimes amino acids like carnitine and taurine can be used. At Oasis we also offer the mitochondrial powerhouse, NAD+.

Dr. Pedi Mirdamadi standing in the lobby of the Oasis Health and Medicine

Book a IV Therapy Session

Functional & Integrated Health Clinic

Located in San Diego’s beach town of Encinitas, Oasis Health and Medicine combines naturopathic and functional medicine to provide personalized treatment plans for digestive problems, hormone imbalance, joint pain/injury, and brain & mental health.