Prolotherapy & PRP Regenerative Medicine in San Diego

PRP Injections For Injury, Chronic Pain and Aesthetic Treatments

Closeup of hand holding a medical vial of PRP _platelet-rich plasma)

What Are The Benefits Of Regenerative Therapy?

The benefits of regenerative therapy include:
  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Little pain
  • Uses your own cells, there is no risk of adverse side effects
  • Short recovery
  • Significant improvement in outcomes within 2-3 weeks after undergoing regenerative treatment
  • Very minimal or no downtime
  • No hospital stays required
  • It’s property can accelerate the healing of injuries
  • The best alternative to surgery
  • May prevent the use of long-term painkillers or cortisone shots
Dr. Pedi Mirdamadi injecting a PRP joint injection treatment to the knee of a patient

What Is Regenerative Therapy?

Regenerative medicine is an innovative approach to healthcare that focuses on repairing damaged tissues and organs in the body. At Oasis Health and Medicine, located in San Diego, California, we offer this type of medicine as part of our targeted and personalized approach to patient care in our clinic – our team of injection physicians specialize in using advanced techniques to promote healing and restore function to damaged areas of the body.

Through the use of peptide therapy, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, and other regenerative medicine treatments, we are able to help patients suffering from a variety of conditions – including arthritis, sports injuries, chronic pain as well as cosmetic treatments.

Our goal is to provide each patient with personalized care and effective treatment options that can improve their quality of life and help them live their best lives possible.

Front desk lobby of Oasis Health and Medicine clinic

Take Advantage Of The Latest Advances In Regenerative Medicine At Our Clinic Serving San Diego

Regenerative medicine refers to a branch of medicine that focuses on ways to repair or regenerate damaged tissue in the body.

It is based on the foundational naturopathic principle that the body has an innate capacity to heal itself, and it just needs to be stimulated in the right direction. Our physicians are highly trained in injection therapy.

This modern approach is based on using your body’s own healing potential to help itself – we simply remove what we need from your body, concentrate and improve what we removed, and re-inject it into the problem area.

How Does Regenerative Medicine Work?​

Regeneration occurs at the following three levels:

Molecular Level

Molecular level including small building blocks of the body such as DNA, carbohydrates, fats, etc.

Cellular Level

Cellular level including axons or neurons responsible for growth and reproduction.

Tissue Levels

Tissue levels include skin, blood, muscle, tendon, bone, etc.

An matrix of connecting structured lines, overlay-ed on a isolated woman's face

Regenerative Joint Therapy Can Treat Various Orthopedic Conditions

Regenerative medicine has the ability to heal or restore tissues damaged by disease, trauma, or age, it can treat various orthopedic conditions such as:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Bursitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Shoulder impingement
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Ligament injury
  • Tendon injury
  • Rotator cuff / labrum tear
  • Meniscus tear
  • Tendinitis
  • Trigger thumb/finger
  • Hair loss treatment
  • Facial treatment / wrinkle treatment / anti-aging treatment
  • ACL/MCL injury

Why Choose Regenerative Joint Therapy

A group of people are seen stretching their legs in a sunny park, illustrating the importance of physical activity and the joy of spending time outdoors in nature

Musculoskeletal disorders, such as joint pain and dysfunction, are the most common source of chronic pain experienced by American adults – and in the United States, they are the number one reason patients visit their doctors. The regenerative joint therapy procedures available at our clinic in San Diego, are one viable option for treating these conditions.

The treatment involves a simple injection and can be completed within one hour – it has been shown to be effective for both acute injuries and chronic conditions like osteoarthritis, and there has been a growing interest in non-surgical alternatives that do not require the lengthy recovery time or carry the risks that surgical approaches do.

Schedule Your In-Person or Virtual Discovery Call Today · 858-201-3171

Regenerative Medicine Vs Conventional Treatments For Pain

Pain points in the upper body at the joints

Medications and steroid injections can provide temporary relief from symptoms, but they are not recommended for long-term use as they can cause gastrointestinal issues, kidney damage, and cardiovascular problems. Prolonged use of medications can also lead to side effects such as gastrointestinal issues, kidney damage, and cardiovascular problems. Steroids can also weaken the area around the injection zone.

Regenerative medicine, on the other hand, provides long-lasting relief from symptoms and gives the body a chance to regain function. It is a viable option for treating joint pain and dysfunction, and it does not carry the risks that surgical approaches do.

While surgery can be an effective treatment for joint pain and dysfunction, it often comes with negative side effects and a lengthy, painful rehabilitation process.

Prolotherapy As A Regenerative Medicine Option

Prolotherapy is a type of regenerative medicine that is used to treat joints and connective tissues that are affected by pain, swelling, and laxity.

A person's knee being injected by a needle by a healthcare professional at the clinic

The term “prolo” means to proliferate, and the aim of this treatment is to increase the amount of collagen, which is a structural protein that plays a crucial role in the function of your joints.

Our prolotherapy injection option available at our San Diego location, can be used to treat the shoulder, back, knee, hand, and hips.

In this treatment, a watery solution that contains dextrose and saline is injected into the affected portion – this solution also contains a numbing agent named lidocaine.

This injection works by triggering your body’s natural healing mechanism, which allows your body to restore new connective fibers to heal the damaged tissues.

Peptides As A Regenerative Medicine Option

The use of peptides is to stimulate and regenerate patients’ own stem cells, which can speed up the healing process and repair damaged tissues – peptides are chains of amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins.

Some peptides are used to support the growth and repair of injured tendon, muscle, and cartilage, while others may be used directly on the skin after medical micro-needling to support new facial collagen or new hair growth for scalp treatments.

With our modern facilities and commitment to providing exceptional patient care, Oasis Health and Medicine is your premier choice for peptide therapy in San Diego.

PRP Is A Regenerative Medicine Treatment Option

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a substance that is extracted from a patient’s own blood. During PRP therapy, the blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge to extract the beneficial platelets and plasma.

The resulting substance is then injected into the affected joints.

PRP takes advantage of the body’s natural healing properties to repair damaged cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscles, or even bone.

Single vial of PRP (platelet rich plasma) being help by a healthcare worker, being placed inside a centrifuge

PRP therapy has been growing as a safe and effective treatment option for several clinical applications, including athletes who have been using it for decades.

This therapy is now available at Oasis Health and Medicine, at our San Diego clinic to anyone who is suffering from an injury or degenerative condition and would like to speed up the healing process.

Healthcare worker holds single vial of PRP
A set of four vials of PRP being held by a pair of hands

PRP therapy has also been used in maxillofacial surgery, spinal surgery, plastic and esthetic surgery, heart surgery, and burns.

Stem Cells As A Regenerative Medicine Option

Stem cell therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that utilizes stem cells to heal injuries. Stem cells have the unique ability to develop into any type of cell and serve any necessary function, making them an effective tool for repairing and developing new tissues in the body.

These cells are often extracted from human embryonic tissue, which can be controversial in some cases. After injection, these cells can repair and develop into healthy cells in the affected area.

Are There Any Additional Treatments You Can Undergo Along With Regenerative Therapies?

Yes, in order to accelerate the healing process, reduce complications, and improve quality of life, your doctor may recommend alternative treatments – these include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga, tai chi
  • Meditation and mindfulness training
  • Supplements and herbal recommendations
  • Functional testing to check root causes of inflammation
  • IV therapy
  • Personalized program to reduce inflammation and promote healing

What Are The Potential Side Effects And Risks Of Using The Regenerative Treatment?

Golfer swinging a club into the sunset on green grass in the sunshine, enjoying the activity and feeling content

After receiving regenerative medicine treatment, some patients may experience mild discomfort or swelling in the injection area. These symptoms usually go away on their own within a week.

Your naturopathic doctor at Oasis Health and Medicine may apply a small bandage or dressing to keep the area clean and protected until it heals completely.

Is There Any Scientific Research That Can Prove The Efficacy Of Regenerative Medicine?

Yes, there is ample research supporting various regenerative medicine treatment options discussed here. A 2021 systematic review article published in the International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology found that PRP injections are more effective in patients with shoulder tendinopathy when compared with steroid injections, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), hyaluronic acid injections, dry needling, and physiotherapy.

Get Directions For Your Regenerative Medicine Treatment At Our Clinic

Dr. Pedi Mirdamadi standing in the lobby of the Oasis Health and Medicine

Conveniently Located

Welcome To Our Practice


Located in San Diego’s beach town of Encinitas, Oasis Health And Medicine health clinic combines naturopathic and functional medicine to provide patients with personalized treatment plans for digestive problems, hormone imbalance, joint pain/injury, and brain & mental health.

Schedule Your In-Person or Virtual Discovery Call Today · 858-201-3171